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Results for "keyword: "media""
Tricks from the Elderly to Stop Worrying Why do we spend so much time and energy on worrying? We are reluctant to admit that we can't control everything and make what we want happen. We have trouble accepting the idea that things do go wro…
Reflecting on Narcissism "Imagine a country where everyone acts like a reality show contestant — obsessed with power, status and appearance, and is comfortable manipulating others for their personal gain. 'I'm here to win…
Gloves, Trucks, and Camouflage: How Has Technology Altered the Way We View Ourselves? By Olivia Bailey, for KidSpirit's The Speed of Now Issue Media: today’s version of a synthetic reality that people are readily willing to accept as truth. Face-to-face conversations are…
It's Only Me(dia) By Pahal Bhasin Books, art, and music are everywhere. It is almost impossible to imagine our life without them.
A Prayer for Protection of Sacred Lands and Waters Great Spirit, you have created a beautiful world for us to live in. You have sent rains and snow to fill our rivers. You have made the land rich in nutrients for our plants and animals. We want to s…
The Next Revolution in Digital Technology: Part 2 The Spiritual Implications of The Internet of Things According to the Pew Research Center Internet Project in collaboration with Elon University's Imagining the Internet Center, we are enterin…
A Litany for Economic and Social Justice Occupy Wall Street is an ongoing demonstration in New York City to protest economic and social injustices. Participants have moved into a park in lower Manhattan near Wall Street and have marched th…